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Please include us in your bidding for sign work. Substantial discounts will be given for orders of multiple units.

Personal, business checks, money orders, bank drafts must be payable and addressed to:



Please speak with our company representative for quotes and consultation at 1-770-708-8919 between the hours of 9am to 6pm EST or email us at:


A 75% deposit is required for all sign orders, more than $1,000. (If less than $1000 a full payment is required).

Full payment is required. Invoices and proposals are furnished upon request. In the rare event of order cancellation, deposits made are non-refundable covering time and material cost. Credit/debit card payments are accepted through Square with our authorized invoice.

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DEI USA, LLC receives many emails. Our website contains a wealth of information regarding ordering your sign. Including your name and phone number in emails allow us to have a running record of conversations. Keep emails short and to the point, too many emails create confusion and cause mistakes. Emails will be responded to in the order they are received, usually within a few days.

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